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Tips in Choosing the Right Candidates

Tips in Choosing the Right Candidates

Choosing the right candidates that will suit a complicated job can be very tricky for a staffing agency. You have to carefully screen the potential employees and ask relevant questions during an interview. However, not all candidates present who they are during an interview. So, how can you make sure you are choosing the most suitable candidates?

  • Look beyond the resume.
    A resume summarizes an employee’s professional experiences, but at work, it’s not all about the skills but character matters, too. In recruiting, assess the candidate’s behavior by observing the way they answer your questions, especially tricky ones that involve working under pressure or dealing with a meticulous boss.
  • Consider the cultural fit.
    The length of experience matters, but talent and cultural fit also play a crucial role. Will the candidates relate to the team? Will they manage the work schedule and responsibilities well? To make talent acquisition in Georgia a success, assess the applicant’s job competency and how well they can adapt to office culture to determine who among them deserves the job.
  • Listen to their answers carefully.
    Hiring potential employees involve a lot of questions and answers. One way to determine who deserves the position is by paying attention to their responses and the way they convey their thoughts and ideas. This way, you’ll understand who is knowledgeable, humble, smart, shy, aggressive, and witty, among others.

If you’re looking for qualified individuals for your big, medium, or small business, Zennexec Staffing is a staffing agency in Atlanta, Georgia, implementing the highest standards of screening and selection. Our mission is to connect the right candidates with the right employers and match employees to the career they want. To know more about how we can help, contact us today at 254-449-1743.

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